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Did you know you can have:

a thriving business

AND inner calm?

  • As a top-performing Real Estate agent, you consistently surpass sales goals, but … the stress is taking a toll on your health and relationships.

  • You're a highly driven person, determined to grow your business, but … the harder you try, the more it feels like you have to work excessively hard for the money.

  • Your peers and Real Trends recognize your successes as you push harder to get to the top, but … paradoxically there is less and less freedom.

  • You give your business 150%, always trying to stay on top of everything … yet you find yourself wondering how you can expand your operation when you already have no time or energy left.


I am

… a former 3 sport state championship athlete and Division 1 lacrosse player who has been recognized as one of the Top 10 Health Promotion Professionals in the country.

I spent 15 years in Corporate Sales and Wellness Consulting, and I understand the frustration of navigating the competitive business world while striving to maintain your vitality and personal happiness. 

I am here to help you achieve Higher Performance and Wealth without sacrificing your joy.

I believe true achievement lies in finding a balance where your business accomplishments, health, and relationships thrive together.

Learn more….


INstant Calm

Reset your mind and body less than 10 minutes.

Being able to get out of a stressful state fast is essential to creating the wealth. Why? Because if you are stressed, overwhelmed, exhausted – you are creating waves of frustration that repel what you desire to attract – clients, sales, opportunities. 

What is there was a way to reset your mind and body in 10 minutes? That you can do anytime? Download this free audio and listen to my voice as I guide you to enter the state of peace. The more you do this, the more peaceful you will feel. Guaranteed!



Ready to reimagine your business and elevate your inner calm?  Here is how we can work together.


Success Coaching

Exclusive Personalized Program: Elevating Your Sales, Leadership, and Performance while Feeling Calm, Focused, and Spacious.


Corporate Wellness

Corporate Wellness Program: Cultivating Culture of Wellbeing while boosting productivity, reducing stress with tailored mindful solutions.